Friday, March 26, 2010

TEA PARTY ROOTS, by Clay Barham! (PART 1!: Introduction!)

As any of you know who have been faithfully reading my website, I have always, always wanted to be, a book reviewer. It has long been a dream of mine these many years, and I am pretty sure I once wrote a"post" here entitled, "With God As My Witness, I Will One Day Be A Book Reviewer," though when looked for it just now I couldn't find it. It's around here, though.

Anyway, it seems that almost no sooner had I written that, than what wondrous sight should mine eyes behold than an e-mail inviting me, Michael Weiner, ultra-patriot and ultra-citizen, to review an AS-YET-UNPUBLISHED manuscript about the ROOTS of the TEA PARTY!!! No one has seen this thing yet, but guess what people, I HAVE. I have, and let me tell you, you need to get yourself a copy of this book right here, because it is really champion book material.

It looks really, really, really good.

There's a website you can go to where you can find out more about this book, and the name of that website is, and if you go there you can find out a whole real lot more about the book TEA PARTY ROOTS which I am actually reading right now. I haven't finished the book yet, because I'm not a real fast reader, but from what I've read so far I can tell we are talking about some kind of classic here.

Some kind of real good stuff!

Anyway, man, you know how sometimes you're doing something, and then something about it reminds you of something else, like a real good idea, and you're like, "Wow, I can't believe I thought of that? Me!" Like one time, I was trying to get my little son in the car, so first I was like "GET IN THE CAR!!!" like all yelling and stuff, but then I thought, "Naw, I'll make it like a game," cause he wasn't listening anyway, just all crying and whatever.

So I was like, "Son! Come on, race me. Race me to the car! Race, race! Race, race! Race, Race! Race! Race! Race! Race, race, race, race, race!" And then that gave me a crazy-good idea and realization, and, but my wife was just reading over my shoulder and says I really shouldn't put what happened after that on this blog, and I probably can't anyway.

Well, but, so I was reading that guy Clay Barham's e-mails to me, and I was like, thinking to myself, "Truly, Christ the Lord has placed this man in my path, and he is not a stumbling block but a stepping stone, and I must walk to freedom and victory across these rushing waters." I was thinking that, but then I was like, "Hey, why don't I review his book for my Internet website?"

And then I decided that, yes, that is exactly what I will do. I will review his book, TEA PARTY ROOTS, chapter by chapter, on this, New Mexico's most patriotic blog and website, In this way, I will serve this servant of the Lord, Mr. Clay Barham, by bringing attention to his righteous works, and I will serve the Tea Party movement, by bringing to its attention what's maybe the best book this movement has ever seen, and I will serve America, at least the former shell of what she once was, by causing the blood of patriots to pump more vigorously and the blood of tyrants to curdle in the tyrants' already-hardening arteries and veins.

All in all, I will be doing something truly patriotic and amazing, and God will bless me for it, of that I have no doubt, He always does.

All right then, without further ado then, here we go, let's get started...Here, We Go...HERE--WE--GO!!!!!!! HERE WE GO!!!


TEA PARTY ROOTS, by Clay Barham!

The Parts at the Beginning that Don't Have Chapter Numbers

The book starts out really good. It says it's written in 2010, so we know this thing is real fresh. That's good.

A+ so far.

"TEA PARTY ROOTS, by Clay Barham."

Still really good.

Page 4 has a "Note To The 21st Century reader" on it, so that's this century, and part of it says:
This is a nonfiction work. I wrote it to be an easy read when compared to most nonfiction books. Therefore, you will find no bumps or boulders to trip over along the way, such as footnotes, proofs or bibliography.
Man, I like that. That's just cool, man. He says after that that if you want to find something, just go look it up on the Internet. That's what I always do too, and it works just great. Like one time, on, I was writing about how God said in the Bible, "The Devil mocks, the Devil mocks," and everyone, all these liberals, wanted to know where that was in the Bible, and I didn't know what to say, but next time I'll just tell them to look it up on the Internet, that is a really good idea. And the other day, I was quoting that Jesus quote about how "If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day, but if you teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime," and one of my co-workers said Jesus never said that!!! Jack-crap, that's what she knows, but now I know what to say next time!!! (Janine!!)

Then there's the "About the Author," which is cool. He's a Republican, it says. That's cool. And he wrote some other books, one called Save Pebble Droppers & Prosperity, and another called Bubbles, Boxes and Individual Freedom, and some more too. Man, those titles are intriguing!!! Next time I'm getting groceries, I'm going to get me one of each, maybe two of each.

And, get this, he helped "turn the California Republican Party and its volunteer organizations, into a grassroots party, free of the cautious country club lawyers and cocktail-party leadership"!!!!!!

The "Foreword" says "the modern American Tea Party Movement is the sleeping giant in the process of awakening." Think about that. Think about that. Wow. Man.

It also mentions Reagan, and I have to admit that made me a little misty-eyed. I'm not too much of a man to admit that. Real men have emotions, too, such as pride in one's country and, when those leaders follow the Lord, pride in one's leaders. Sometimes I do cry. Sometimes I just cry and cry and cry, thinking about these things, and about other things.

Then there's the "Table of Contents." Heh, heh, Chapter 8 looks funny. I'll look real forward to that!

And now, "Introduction." Listen to this! Just listen to this!
"Young Americans, however, have enjoyed much of the result of living in freedom, something they are being asked to give up by the celebrities of the modern American Democrat Party."
It's like he's seen my life. Then he kind of talks about how Democrats want us all to be just like each other and like everyone else in the world, and how that's a really bad thing, because it's not us (and these are my words here, just kinda paraphrasing and saying my own stuff or whatever) that should be like those dumb people who don't even eat the plants that grow there or whatever, being all poor and stuff, THEY should be more like us.
The first stage of reason is to realize equality is impossible. It would be far better if the rest of the world’s people would strive to lift themselves up and be equal to Americans, which means to pursue their inequalities. We, as individuals, are different in so many ways that equality is impossible.
And then later he says,
In this book we use reason and not misguided passion. Augustine said that belief precedes understanding, implying that passion rules reason. Psychologically, that is true. People’s unchallenged deepest beliefs and prejudices usually rule their lives more than reason. The appeals to passion are the threats to human liberty we face today; easily seen in the way modern Democrats push their agenda
So true. So true. I have had this argument a thousand times with eight-hundred Democrats. Their beliefs are all about their feelings and their Church of Godlessness, while we have reason and logic and God on our side. That's why all the smart people are Republicans, like Jimmy Buffet and Donald Trump. They say, "Republicans are evil!" And I'm like, "If you believe in evil, then you believe there is good and evil, and if you believe in good, you must believe in a source of all good, which is God. Therefore there is a God and He is real."

I learned that one on a CBN show, and every time I use it, it just totally silences people. Their mouths just fall open. There is no possible response to it. You use that one, and you got 'em! Every time.

He talks a bit about how foolish all the liberal jibber-jabber about it taking a village to raise a kid is, and I am glad I am finally hearing someone finally talking about that besides just me!! I've always said, "Screw this village, I'm raisin' my own damn kids," and now here we go. Community: that's for the Dems. Give me my INDIVIDUAL rights any day!!!

Anyway, toward the end of the "Introduction," he quotes some French(?!) philosopher who I guess really loved America and probably wished he was an American but probably the French tyrants wouldn't let him, I guess, who said, "All men's impulses, when motivated by legitimate self-interest, fall into a harmonious social pattern,” which is one of those quotes you first just kind of think about, and then you stand up and cheer when you finally get it because it's so obviously true. Unlike Democrats, he says, who say "the interests of community are more important than are the interests of the individual."

So Democrats don't care about you as an individual, they just want to help you as a part of everyone. Republicans don't care about you either...I guess(?)...wait...but they do kind of want you to be able to help yourself just like they're helping their own selves...unlike the Democrats who want to take all your freedoms away and turn this whole place into Soviet Russia and have their way with all the unborn babies and old people, you just watch!

What's it going to take, Democrats?! Wake up and realize that when people are just all fighting for themselves to take whatever they can get, things always turn out for the best! Since the days of the Bible, this has always been the way, and it is the only road that has ever truly led to peace.

Just look at Mayberry: a small town in which everyone has a job to do, to earn money for himself, and everything always turned out all right. They didn't need handouts! (Except Otis. Heh heh.)

In conclusion, I really don't think I know how to review books. Are you really supposed to write about every chapter? This is going to take a really long time!! Something just doesn't seem right about how I'm doing this here, man. It's making me kind of anxious!!!

COMING SOON: CHAPTER 1: "To Concerned Americans."

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