Monday, March 29, 2010

Really tired again, sorry!

"Another day, another day, another day, hey hey hey hey." That's a little poem my daddy wrote and always used to say when I was but a child, and I'm sure feeling that way today!

So please excuse me, dear patriotic readers of mine, if for yet another day I just go to bed instead of staying up to inspire you with my words and my fortitude. I am one pooped pooch! One sassy tabby, all sassed-out and brittle.

I will write more tomorrow, I assure you all, fret not, but for now, Americans, my mattress is calling out my name, calling me to dreams of a better tomorrow, of President Palin, my new job at Fox News, and all-you-can-eat food.

For now, here's another video my friend sent me. This one's even better. These are kind of unusual to me, because I can't say just what it is exactly that thrills me so about them, but I do know that they are just really great to watch, and just perfect for patriotic Americans.

1 comment:

  1. Man! That sher does have a nice thing about it! Cant say what it is though.
