Wednesday, April 14, 2010

More about the Sign-making Party!!!

Well, how about some more about the sign-making party?!

I was real late to the party, because my wife was late coming home from some thing with her friends, so I didn't make it there until like the very last, final hour of the sign-making party.

It was at Paisano's, a restaurant here in Albuquerque, New Mexico, New Mexico's largest city. It is located on a road we call "Eubank."

When I got there, a bunch of the people were already leaving, but I honked at them and waved as they walked out and I waved at them as they walked out holding their signs about Obama and the constitution and all that, and we exchanged friendly waves as I pulled into the parking lot!!

Then I went inside. Inside, I was directed by an employee of that establishment to a back sort-of indoor porch area--

--and once there, my eyes beheld a lot of round tables that people were sitting at and making signs at. There were stencils you could use, and lots of big pieces of posterboard (more than 200 pieces of posterboard!!!), and a real variety of markers of many colors and sizes. There was also, like, little wooden poles you could staple your signs to, and there was at least one stapler I saw going around. There were almost a couple of dozen people there, and there had been more there before, so I bet the big rally will have at least fifty people there, probably more. It's kind of a big thing.

In one corner, by the doorway, was a big stack of signs that said "INFILTRATOR" with arrows on them, and I guess the idea is that if them filthy liberals try to sneak in to our rally and make us look bad, we can point these signs at them to let the media know that they're not with us. People are always lying about us, pretending to be us and yelling things we would never yell, and they really piss me off. They should be imprisoned and beaten until they confess their crimes. Or better, yet, waterboarded. We'll show them what "doesn't work"!!! Seeing those signs, I felt real proud of my fellow Tea Party patriots, for being so clever.

Lots of the signs were real funny. One said, "Ban Smoking in the White House" (Because OBAMA smokes). Another was real good, it said, "Hitler had Universal Healthcare Too!"

The lady at the entrance didn't recognize me from the Meet and Greet and seemed a little weird about me for some reason, probably because I was late. Then she saw my name was on the list, so things were okay. Then I sat down at a table, and I started to make a sign.


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